Call for Papers: Workshop on Visual Surveillance and Re-Identification
Zurich, 12th September 2014
Held in conjunction with the 13th European Conference on Computer Vision – ECCV 2014
The 2014 workshop on Visual Surveillance and Re-Identification will include keynote talks, oral and poster presentations describing state-of-the-art techniques for automated analysis of visual surveillance data. The re-identification problem is particularly important, in this domain and elsewhere, and this is one focus of the workshop.
- A brand-new multi-camera tracking challenge is also associated to VS-Re-ID 2014. The winner of the MCT will give an oral presentation at the workshop, will receive a prize and will be invited to publish his method in a special issue of a high-impact journal.
- All papers accepted to the workshop will be considered for inclusion in a planned special issue of a high impact journal.
- There will also be a prize for the best paper (in addition to the MCT prizewinnder, mentioned above)
Important Dates
Submission of papers:
- Submission of Full Papers: Friday, 20th June 2014
- Notification to Authors: Wednesday, 23rd July 2014
- Pre-paper camera ready (firm deadline): Sunday, 27th July 2014 (Pre-papers are temporary copy of your manuscript which will be put on the ECCV USB stick
- Submission of Camera Ready: two weeks after ECCV, precise date to be determined
The Multi-Camera Tracking challenge:
- Submission of results: Friday, 1st August 2014
- Feedback about results: Friday, 15th August 2014
The Workshop:
- Friday, 12th September 2014
Workshop Co-chairs
- Shaogang Gong, Queen Mary University of London, UK
- Steve Maybank, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK
- James Orwell, Kingston University, UK
- Marco Cristani, University of Verona, IT
- Kaiqi Huang, National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, CN
- Shuicheng Yan, National University of Singapore, SG
Please get in touch either:
- via twitter (@vsreid2014)
- or send a message to ‘contact’ at vs-re-id-2014
The Programme Committee
Loris Bazzani, Serge Belongie, Alexandre Bernardino, Francois Bremond, Andrea Cavallaro, Chen Change Loy, Rama Chellappa, Roberto Cipola, Rita Cucchiara, Trevor Darrell, Larry Davis, Alberto Del Bimbo, Gustavo Fernandez Dominquez, Gianfranco Doretto, Rogerio Feris, GianLuca Foresti, Andrea Fossati, Pascal Fua, Xiang Gao, Riad Hammoud , R. Ismail Haritaoglu, Janne Heikkila, Frederic Jurie, Stan Li, Xuelong Li, Peihua Li Hei Long , Kyoung Mu Lee , Vittorio Murino, Mark Nixon, Jean-Marc Odobez, Vasudev Parameswaran, Federico Pernici , Justus Piater , Ian Reid , Gerhard Rigoll , Neil Robertson , Fabio Roli, Peter Roth, Gerald Schaefer , Nicu Sebe, Shiguang Shan, Vinay Shet , Nils Siebel , Lauro Snidaro , Zoltan Szlavik , Dacheng Tao , Geoffrey Taylor , Philp Torr, Stefano Tubaro , Anton van den Hengel, Sergio Velastin , Roberto Vezzani, Ramesh Visvanathan , Xiaogang Wang, Xiaoyu Wang, Ying WU, Tony Xiang, Tony Xu Han, Wei Yun Yau, Zhang Zhang, Junge Zhang and Wei-Shi Zheng.
For more information, please visit the official website of the workshop.