CCF WISA 2022 | 熊辉教授将作大会特邀报告
1 会议简介 Introduction 第十九届中国信息系统及应用大会(WISA 2022)是由中国计算机学会(CCF)主办、CCF信息系统专业委员会、大连海洋大学、大连市大数据产业发展研究院共同承办的旗舰会议。 大会将围绕“面向数字化转型的信息系统”主题,关注智慧信息系统、智慧城市、智慧政务、智慧医疗健康与信息系统安全等领域,聚焦区块链、知识图谱、数据融合与共享治理等关键问题,搭建学术、企业、政府交流平台。 2 报告信息 Infomation 报告人:熊辉 报告题目:算法中的人性和社会性 日期:12月04日 时间:09:20 ~ 10:10 腾讯会议:190-916-263(密码:221203) B站直播: 3 报告摘要 Equinox Algorithms have been inspired by nature and human life and have been a part of human technology ever since the stone stage. As the computers have been widely used for solving everyday human problems, algorithms are fast-evolving and it becomes naturally to think algorithmically about the human and nature world. In this talk, I would like to provide a humble and immature view of human and social nature in algorithms. In particular, I would like to bridge the connections between the fundamental principle and properties of these algorithms and the nature in Chinese culture, such as I-ching and Daoism, which conceive the natural world as a self-generating, complex arrangement of elements continuously changing and interacting. For example, the balance principle in I-Ching is frequently observed in algorithm design, such as the explore/exploit tradeoff for finding the balance between trying new things and enjoying the favorites and the balance between recall and precision. 4 会议报名 Sign up 扫描上方二维码